First Visit to Our Breast Clinic for Breast Checkup or Treatment
Most patients will understandably be anxious on their first clinic appointment. It is reassuring to know that majority will not have breast cancer but likely a benign breast condition.
What to Expect
Dr. Radhika will have a consultation with you where she will enquire about any complaints and also a detailed medical history including personal details. A clinical examination will be done. It will be helpful to wear 2 piece gear to facilitate breast examination and also possible evaluation with ultrasound scans of the breasts and /or mammogram according to the patient’s age and clinical problem.
Documents to bring to the Clinic
Identification card /passport and corporate insurance card if any facilitates registration and coverage for your visit respectively. It will be useful for the specialist to have a comprehensive assessment if you provide her with any available breast imaging and reports. If you are coming on a follow-up visit, it is also useful to bring the previous images as it is important for the doctor to assess the developments of the breast lesions over months/years as a form of comparison. Dr. Radhika makes her own independent assessment of the breast images so do kindly bring along the films as well and the reports where possible.
How much time would I spend in the Clinic?
This will depend on the condition you have. If it is a straightforward consultation with minimal investigations, it will take about 30minutes for consultation. In the event further investigations or procedures are required a few hours to half a day may be spent depending on the complexity of the condition.
We do seek your kind understanding if your scheduled time is delayed as this is a surgical clinic and doctor may be delayed at surgery, minor procedures in the clinic or with emergency cases.